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Wheat (2)

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8357. You do not think that because someone has rubbed shoulders with Professor Lefroy he becomes an expert so far as weevil is concerned ?—There is a good deal more in it than that. South Australia has formed a weevil committee. There is no such thing here. I may have had a communication from Mr. Keys to say that there was a man coming in with some weevil cure but I have never been consulted in committee by the scheme officials. Of course I am not make any grievance. 8358. By Mr. BROWN : Have you a copy of the report and specifications, but not of the plan. I do not know why it is they have taken so long to say whether it is good, bad, or indifferent. 8359. Did they acknowledge the receipt of your specifications and plans ?—No. I do not know that the Works Department got them. I sent them on to my immediate chief, Mr. George Wickens, who is in charge of the fruit industries, and he minuted both to the Commissioner of the wheat belt. 8360. By the CHAIRMAN : The position then is that we have an insect which is destroying wheat and fruit, and is likely to attack the harvests shortly to be garnered, and no attempt whatever has been made to destroy this pest ?—Practically none, except gristing, and the re-conditioning which is being done at Fremantle. 8361. It would take a long time to recondition 12 million bushels ?—I do not know what quantity of weevily wheat there is. 8362. Practically all our stacks are infested ?—I think so. 8363. Apparently the Scheme does not think this worth much consideration. If on an urgent matter like this seven weeks are allowed to elapse, it shows carelessness somewhere ?—I prefer not answer that. 8364.