Part 8

Page 574
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go in for mixed farming they generally make a success. Those who rely upon wheat alone, and are perhaps in debt are more likely to go to the wall than the men who can run sheep and do mixed farming generally. When a man has a heavy interest bill to pay and he only has his wheat crop to fall back upon his position is likely to become dangerous.

9072. Have you any cases in which men growing wheat alone have attained creditable positions?- Yes. It is the interest bill that kills most of the men. A man who has capital to work upon can farm more successfully than the man who is otherwise situated.

9073. It has been said that farming is in a desperate condition in this State?- Our farming customers are not by any means going back. I think they are making steady progress and have been doing so, especially during the past two years.

9074. Notwithstanding that they have only got 2s. 6d. on their wheat so far?- I am looking at the prospective value of the wheat.

9075. By Mr PAYNTER : Have you gone into the question of what farming costs per acre?- Taking the present conditions, if a man has to employ contract labour, I do not think the putting in, taking off, and marketing of crop can be done for less than 35s., if it can be done for that. Even in normal times a man must expect to pay 30s. per acre, and if he has interest to pay on top of that and he gets an 11 or 12 bushel crop, there is not much left in it for him. If a farmer has sons whose labour he is getting, practically without payment, he can farm more successfully than the man who has to employ outside labour. If a man is heavily indebted, he has not much chance of success.

9076. By the CHAIRMAN : Does the bank encourage it's clients to go in for stock?- In the past a great deal of encouragement has not been given but at the present time, when applications for stock are made, the bank is giving them more consideration.

(The witness retired.)

The Commission adjourned.