Part 8

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could have kept stock. I consider the poison countryis too dear. In the mort it is fairly free from poison but the mallee is badly infested.

9306. To Mr. VENN: The results from the mallee country have not been more than two bushels to the acre. I have 100 acres of mallee country at home. The first year it was full of suckers and I got nothing from it; this was a bad year. We let it go the year before last, and this year after fallow I think it will be all right. I think it will grow grass, but this block is outside the north Ongerup country. The mort country that I have seen would be all right except that it is so sour to commence with, but in years to come I think it will improve. It is heavy clay country and requires a lot of working. It carries good grass after cultivation, but I do not know whether it will continue to grow grass; I have not had sufficient experience with it. (The witness retired.) _________________

ERNEST ERIC EVANS, on behalf of Evans Bros., Farmers, Ongerup, sworn and examined:

9307. To Mr. PAYNTER: I had no experience of farming before I came here seven years ago. I have 800 acres cleared, but we are all the time picking the poison out of it. Two departmental officers who were here on the poison question considered our block priced at 8s. should be reduced; 1s. would be a fair thing. If the Government would give us the land I would be satisfied to go on with it. We have got good crops off it. I got 21 bushels off fallow last year. We have lost a lot of stock on the poison. (The witness retired.) _________________

HARRY WALKLEY, farmer, Ongerup, sworn and examined;

9308. To Mr. PAYNTER: I have 1,000 acres, two miles from the railway line; only half of it is good for farming. The chief difficulty is that there is too much poison on it. I consider no rent should be charged for this heavily infested poison country, and it is dear at that. Mine is mostly mort country. It grows good feed and I should like to carry some stock. The mallee country does not grow feed. I think with fallow the mort country would grow good crops. There is a good deal of salty country here. (The witness retired.) _________________

ATHOL WILLIAMS JONES, farmer, Ongerup, sworn and examined:

9309. To Mr. PAYNTER: As there have been so many other witness, I have nothing particular to bring before the Commission, but I should like to say, so far as the poison land is concerned, that I have a great deal of it. I hold 999 acres, all of which is practically poison country. I have not applied for any relief under the poison clause of the Act. I should like to say also that most of us round this part could do better if we had stock, and there are parts of my property that we could clear. Wheat will not pay by itself and if I had a few sheep I could shepherd them from the poison. I wrote to the bank and explained my position; I had plenty of feed and water and asked for 50 ewes, and they wrote back advising that the finances were bad and they could not do it. Dalgety & Co., on account of the mortgage held by the bank, could not help me. (The witness retired.)

The Commission adjourned.