Mallee - Part 1

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In regard to the sequence of rain at Grass Patch since 1897, there have been only four occasions on which rain did not fall every month of the growing period, two of those being in the year 1906. At Swan Lagoon rain fell every month of each season from 1898 until 1911, when data ceased to be collected. At Grass Patch the rainfall has been below 11 inches only three times in the last 20 years, viz., 1906, 1907, and 1912. A study of the tables in the Appendix shows that the rainfall, both in volume and sequence, is satisfactory. The figures quoted are official, and may be safely accepted as accurate. As far as possible the tables are made up to the end of last year, and any slight variation in figures quoted in other reports is explained by the fact that less up-to-date records have been used.


Prior to Mr. O'Brien's investigations some doubts existed as to the water-holding capacity of the mallee lands, but these have since been dispelled, and good dams, both Government and private, are to be found scattered throughout the district. Some of these are illustrated in the photographs accompanying this Report. Particulars of the Government dams in the district are given hereunder:— ___________________________________________________________________________________________________

       Name.                                             Locality.                                             Capacity.            Cost.



30-Mile Tank .. .. .. .. Scaddan .. .. .. .. 200,000 £1,800 Grass Patch Tank .. .. .. 45 miles from Esperance .. 268,400 £1,000 Salmon Gums .. .. .. .. 65 miles from Esperance .. 268,400 £900 79-Mile Tank .. .. .. .. 79 miles from Esperance .. 100,000 (Made by Road Board) Stennets Rock .. .. .. .. 93 miles from Esperance .. 191,600 £900

Cost of Dams.—the high cost of the Government dams in the Esperance district is a matter for comment, and similar extravagant expenditure in the future should not be countenanced. When the average amount allowed to settlers for dam excavation is remembered, it is not unreasonable to suppose that economy would be effected by having the State work carried out by local contractors. This also would give the bona fide settler an opportunity of augmenting his slender income during the early years of settlement.

Artesian water.—While for the time being the water supply problem has been satisfactorily solved by the construction of dams, the Commission, having regard to the value of a permanent water supply, as exemplified in the Pinnaroo district, considers it would be of advantage to ascertain whether artesian water is procurable in the Esperance and Mallee districts.

Watersheds and Tanks.— The farmers would find it of material benefit if sheds and tanks were erected on their holdings to supplement supplies, especially for domestic purposes. In this regard attention is drawn to the practice in South Australia, to which reference is made by Mr. Smith (late Surveyor General of South Australia) and Mr Kelly in their reports in the Appendix.

Quality of water.—It may be added that the water in all the dams has proved to be potable; indeed Professor Paterson's analysis showed a higher percentage of salt in water from a galvanised iron tank, fed from a roof at Gibson's Soak, than did the water in Scaddan dam.


The crop returns of the Esperance district, as furnished by the Government Statistician, for the period since 1912, when the settlement of the mallee area practically commenced, are as under :—

Esperance Statistical district Crop Returns. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

                                                                  WHEAT                                                                               OATS
 Season.                            For Grain.                                    For Hay.                                      For Grain.                               For Hay.
                                Acreage.  Total      Average    Acreage.   Total.    Average     Acreage.      Total      Average      Acreage.   Total.    Average
                                                Yield.     per acre.                     Yield.   per acre.                          Yield.    per acre.                         Yield.   per acre.


                               acres.      bushels.  bushels.    acres.        tons.      tons.          acres.      bushels.  bushels.          acres.        tons.      tons.

1912-13 .. .. 918 2,935 3•2 1,458 681 0•5 19 119 6•2 227 151 0•7 1913-14 .. .. 1,574 6,551 4•2 2,117 790 0•4 41 452 11•0 279 159 0•6 1914-15 .. .. 1,988 4,929 2•5 1,889 616 0•3 72 393 5•5 300 115 0•4 1915-16 .. .. 2,461 12,981 5•3 2,000 1,299 0•6 73 609 8•3 241 168 0•7 1916-17 .. .. 1,251 12,049 9•6 1,173 727 0•6 127 1,558 12•3 182 131 0•7 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________