Wheat (2)

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7909. By Hon J. F. ALLEN; Have you seen the specific which Mr. Rowley has produced? — No.it is a wonder he has not put it before the scheme. 7910. I thought that was what was used at North Fremantle? — I understood it was Newman's specific which was tested down there. Anyhow my inspector reported that he did not think the liquid used was anymore effective than the stuff used in the past. 7911.By the CHAIRMAN: I should like to see a shed put up as a test? — It would not cost much. One point I would like to mention: Mr. Ockerby declared that I said his flour was too good. That remark applied to his local flour. Mr. Ockerby is exerting himself to make as good a local flour as possible of course at the Scheme's expense. He is not taking 42lbs. of flour out of wheat for local flour other millers are aware what Mr. Ockerby is doing and they are vying with one another to see how good they can make for the local trade. The scheme suffers all the time. That was the meaning of my remark to Mr. Ockerby. 7912. By Mr . BROWN: Do you mean that the local buyers are getting a better quality flour than hitherto? — It should be so. 7813. Do you think it is possible to get a good flour out of the wheat they are supplying to the mills? — I am positive of it. 7914. Do you think we are getting a better flour in Western Australia than we got before?—I cannot say that , but should be judging by the extractions and seeing that the millers are doing their best to get the higher possible grade. 7915. We are not getting within 10 per cent of the higher quality flour that we once got; that through the baker's test? — We had a baking test on the imperial flour from various mill. The bread was baked by Kiely of Cottesloe, and I know that some of the bread produced was better than I get from my baker. 7916. Do you know that there have been more complaints in the baking trade since the Government have taken charge of the milling wheat than ever before? — I can quite believe it because the power of suggestion is very great. 7917.As great as the power of judgment? — Imagination goes a very long way. I will swear that the flour Ockerby is making at Kellerberria at present is miles above the average flour supplied in Western Australia in normal times. 7918. we are getting some of it and cannot detect any superiority? — It ought to be better than the ordinary flour you get. (The witness retired) The Commission adjourned. WEDNESDAY, 23rd OCTOBER. 1918.(At Perth) Hon W. C. Anngwin, M. L.A. (Chairman) Hon J. F. Allen, Esg . M. L.C. S. M. Brown, Esg M.L.A. T. H. Harrison, Esg M. L. A. HENRY THOMAS, of Adelaide, Miller sworn and examined: 7919. By the CHAIRMAN: We have been appointed as a Commission to make inquires as to the handling of wheat in this state under Wheat Marketing Act. as you are aware, amongst the various duties called on by the Scheme is girting. We have a copy of your agreement here with South Australia and we have been tying to make a comparison in reference to your agreement in South Australia and the millers' agreement in the State. We find 6d per bushels is paid for gritting in South Australia but we cannot find whether they make any other payment in addition to that? — 2½ per cent .commission on the sale of goods. 7920. How about bags? — They are supplied by the Scheme or are procured by me and sold to them at cost. We are not allowed to make any profit. 7921. Are you gristing Imperial wheat? — I cannot tell you We have to grist the wheat the Scheme sends on to us. 7922. Are you gristing flour for the Imperial Government? — Yes, certainly. 7924. As far as Imperial flour is concerned you get nothing? — Nothing. 7925. It there any reason why they can do the work much cheaper in South Australia than in western Australia? — I have yet learn that it is being done cheaper in south Australia than in Western Australia . 7926. In Western Australia they are paying 7d per bushels for gristing? — Yes. 7927. And 2½ per cent. on all local sales? — But you fix the bags 7928. And Seven shillings and sixpence for bag? — I was assured by one miller that 7s 6d a ton did not recoup for the cost of the bag he had to procure. 7929. Also additional cost of calico bags and hessian bags less 3s a ton? — That is an arrangement I do not understand. In south Australia the Government have to supply bags, whether they are large or small, or we supply them and charge them. The question of bags does not enter into my calculation at all. 7930. But bags run out at about 9s a dozen? — No New cornsacks are worth more than that. 7931. What price is paid for these bags? — In South Australia? 7932. Yes? — We have been paying 10s up to the regulation price. 7933 Ten shillings a dozen? — Yes. 7934. If they cost 19s a dozen here working out wheat at 50 bushels to the ton, that is 12s 8d, the price allowed here on the same basis? —Some of the bags that come in by the scheme are convertible for use for bran and pollard. Fifty bushels of wheat will not go into the same number of bags when ground. We have to get in this State five extra bags because of the bulky nature of the offal. In our State we have to procure extra bags to carry the ground contents. 7935. Do you think 7d. a bushels and 7s 6d. is equivalent to the amount it costs for the bags? — It is very difficult for me to tell you. Just as I left my people were working it out. It cost us 8½d . a bushels for grinding for the South Australia Government, less so much for bags they are taking away from us and using for other purposes. The value of the bags I do not know. I have charge myself for every bag I bought, but it is not ascertained how much I credit myself for bags taken into the country. If you say the South Australia rate was 8d, including commission on sales, bags and gristing, I think you would not be far away. In connection with our coal, South Australia the Scheme have to pay all the excess due to strikes beyond the current rate at the time of my making the contract. That is also included in the 8d. 7936. Is the wheat you are gristing weevil wheat? — Absolutely. 7937. Similar to the wheat they are doing here? Even more so. As far as I can gather you are sending into the mills here a lot of wheat not actually attacked by weevil In South Australia I am the only miller working on this agreement with the government. WE have been selected by them because we have the largest mill and power in south Australia to conduct this business and our competitors have since been offered an opportunity of taking on our contract at our price and they are not prepared to face it.