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Wheat (1) - Part 1

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fer good wheat if it can be obtained. I would also emphasise the fact that the Government poultry expert, Mr. Allman, now on active service, has in his lectures told the poultry farmers that there is only one class of wheat good enough for poultry, and that is the best. But during this time of stress the poultry farmer, like other people, is prepared to carry his share of the burden and to take poor as well as good quality wheat. But the poultry farmer must not be used as a dumping ground for all kinds of rubbish that the Wheat Scheme wishes to convert into cash. 1080. You referred to this Scheme as being a State scheme ?—I understand that the State had the appointment of the distributing agents, and I take it that the State more or less controls the distributing agents. 1081. But you say that Dalgety & Co. make the demand ?—For the wheat, exactly. 1082. Dalgety & Co. are not the State scheme ?—In referring to the State scheme, I take it that the State appointed Dalgety's as distributing agents. I thought that perhaps the State scheme would be responsible for the actions of Dalgety & Co. 1083. I suppose you are aware that Dalgety's reap only a small benefit out of it ?—I understand they are on commission. Like most business firms, I suppose, they like to make a name for themselves with a view, perhaps, to the continuance of their services. They like to make themselves jolly good fellows and say, "Look at the price we can get for wheat to-day compared with the price prior to our taking over." 1084. Is not that likely to occur under present conditions with almost anything ?—Anything in which one could get a monopoly, yes. But there are very few other lines which any firm is in a position to monopolise. 1085. You must admit that if there was not a Pool scheme, wheat would be considerably cheaper than it is to-day, and that that would apply to bread as well as to poultry feed ?—I understand that the wheat if not pooled would be worth about 1s. per bushel on the rates of the world's markets. We poultry farmers are not objecting to the price, but we do object to being compelled to buy this inferior wheat at such iniquitous price—up to 4s. for very poor, second grade and very largely no grade at all, stuff. 1086. Your objection is, then, entirely on the ground that the wheat which you are buying for the fowls is not suitable for fowls, and that the price is too high ?—That is just about to stand. 1087. You complain that even though you are compelled to purchase damaged wheat you are not allowed to purchase it at its market value ?—Just so. 1088. By Mr. BROWN : Do you get any value for the empty bags?—I think most of the poultry farmers sell their bags to the dealers. 1089. The bags are not damaged when you buy a truck of wheat ?—Some are damaged, but others are serviceable. I should say about 10 per cent. of the bags would be dead loss. 1090. You spoke of poultry farmers going out of business owing to the excessive price of wheat. Do you know of any particular instance ?—Yes. I could name a good many poultry farmers who have gone out of business this last 12 months, and it can be attributed to no other cause than excessive rates which have been charged for feedstuffs, and the poor quality, which has apparently weakened the condition of the birds, with the result that there is a serious falling-off in the egg supply. 1091. By Mr. HARRISON : Dalgety's took this over about 12 months ago. What was the value of eggs in the flush season last year ?—From 7d. to 10d. per dozen for about four months of the year. 1092. Would not that have a greater effect than the price of wheat on the poultry farmer ?—The price of eggs has a great bearing on the success of a poultry farmer. 1093. What do the poultry men feed on chiefly ?—Wheat, bran, and pollard. Wheat is the principal diet. 1094. You have no complaint about anything but the wheat ?—Yes. There is meat meal. 1095. Do you want shell grit ?—Yes ; we use that in small quantities. 1096.