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Wheat (1) - Part 1

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acter?—Mr. Keys' opinion is that it is far more thorough than any business audit that he has ever had to do with. 1568. You think that in the in the interests of farmers in the Scheme a public audit is more beneficial than a private audit?—It is as efficient. 1569. You think there is nothing to be gained by having an independent audit?— I do not think so. We do not mind what sort of audit it is so long as it is a fair audit. Everything is there for anyone to investigate. The officers would have no objection. 1570. So far as you know there is no reason why there should not be an outside audit made apart from the fact that the Government are responsible for the money guaranteed ?— We have no objection to an outside audit. 1571. By Hon. J. F. ALLLEN: Only on the score of expense? — Yes, and so long as it confined to an audit. 1572. By the CHAIRMAN : With regard to the system of dockages instituted this year, was this the result of an order made by the board, or was the matter left entirely to the sub-agents or acquiring agents? — As the general manager was in control of the Scheme from the 3rd December, I prefer that he should answer this question, as he is in a better position to give you expert information upon any follow-up questions you might care to ask